Bucket Time is an intervention model aimed at developing natural and spontaneous communication and vocabulary through the use of visually based and highly motivating activities. It aims to: engage and improve joint attention; develop shared enjoyment in a group setting; and increase attention in adult led activities.
Friendship Ring is based around learning more about the similarities and differences in everybody and supports children to develop an increased awareness around belonging, resilience and relationships. Mobilising the support of peers new ideas, targets and strategies in the areas of social and emotional health are often generated and extended.
Animal Therapy Animals accept children unconditionally just the way they are. This intervention therefore serves as a communication tool for them to express their inner thoughts and feelings in a nonthreatening, nonconfrontational way. In the past we have welcomed dogs into our school and we currently host guinea pigs.
Jump Ahead is a structured intervention aimed at developing all the underlying movement and coordination skills children need for confidence and progress. This is of great importance as secure motor coordination skills underpin the ability to listen, pay attention, undertake table top activities and interact socially.
Lego World is a communication programme designed to enable children to develop their functional language. It is intended to offer a supportive structure in which to improve their ability to listen, talk to and learn from one another through play. The task of Lego building is divided into different roles to allow children to practise other key skills such as sharing and turn taking.
Narrative is a specific language intervention that goes through the process of describing: Who?; Where?; When?; What Happened?; and The End; all of which are important for children’s story structure skills. Children are encouraged to: pick out and retain key information; find and use correct vocabulary in sentences; and remember grammar rules.
Sensory Circuits is a programme offered to facilitate sensory processing and integrations with a view to allowing children to be in the optimum state of alertness ready for learning. Participation in this programme is a great way both to energise and settle children into the school day while encouraging the development of their sensory processing skills.
WESforD (Wiltshire Early Screening for Dyslexia) encourages children whose learning processes may be affected in terms of reading, spelling, writing and sometimes numeracy. It promotes phonological awareness and working memory while also supporting short term memory, sequencing and verbal processing.