Miss F Hickie
Headteacher and DSL
Mrs L Cotton
Deputy Headteacher and DSL
Mrs C Edgal
Inclusion manager and Deputy DSL
Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility…
Safeguarding is our most important job here at Trafalgar Community Infant School. It is on our Core Values ship ‘We Keep Safe’. We work in partnership with families to ensure we maintain a strong culture of safeguarding children.
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.
Safeguarding means:
- Protecting children from abuse and maltreatment
- Preventing harm to children’s health or development
- Ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
- Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes
Who to contact if at school you have a safeguarding concern?
The Designated Safeguarding Lead in our school is: Miss Fiona Hickie (Headteacher)
Designated Deputy Safeguarding Leads in our school are: Mrs Lizzie Cotton (Deputy Headteacher) Mrs Claire Edgal (Inclusion Manager)
Lead Governor for Child Protection: Mr Richard King (contact via school office: office@trafalgarinfant.com) |
Chair of Governors: Mrs Sarah Brockhurst (contact via school office: office@trafalgarinfant.com) |
West Sussex Contact Details for Safeguarding Concerns
Integrated Front Door (IFD) (formally known as MASH Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) and EH (Early Help) Single point of contact for all safeguarding concerns regarding children
01403 229900 Out of hours – 0330 222 6664 wschildrenservices@westsussex.gcsx.gov.uk
West Sussex County Council LADO Contact Details: To report any concerns or allegations against staff, supply teachers or club leaders The LADOs for West Sussex are Miriam Williams and Donna Tomlinson.
Our key Safeguarding policies are also available to view below.
You play an important part in helping to keep children safe. If you have any concerns about a child that you know in our school then please speak to Miss Hickie (our Designated Safeguarding Lead) or our Deputy Safeguarding Leads Mrs Edgal and Mrs Cotton.
Our Safeguarding Culture at Trafalgar Community Infant School
All of our staff are trained each year using the DfE’s Statutory Guidance for Schools and Colleges ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’. This includes information related to different aspects of safeguarding including PREVENT anti radicalisation, Child Sexual Exploitation, Female Genital Mutilation, Young Carers, Children Missing in Education, and online safety. We have one nominated governor who ensure that our school is doing all they can to keep children as safe as possible – Mr R King
Below is a summary of how we ensure we have a strong culture of safeguarding at our school:
Leadership and Governance |
Communication |
Training |
Safeguarding Systems |
If you are going through a difficult period in your own family, and you feel that this might impact on your child, then please see your child’s class teacher, or speak to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads.
For online safety, please see the ‘Online Safety’ section in the ‘Parents/Carers’ area of our school website. We also have an online safety information sheet for ‘Parents/Carers’ in ‘Useful Forms and Information’.
We also provide online safety briefings for staff, governors and parents / carers each year. These will be advertised in the weekly newsletter.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy- September 2024 (2).pdf
Safeguarding Guide 2024.pdf
In light of past allegations involving sports coaches in the media, The West Sussex Safeguarding Children Board and the NSPCC Child Protection Sports Unit have issued some guidance for 'Keeping children safe in sport' on their website (see links). http://www.westsussexscb.org.uk/2016/12/keeping-children-safe-in-sport/