
Our Policies

Paper copies can be provided free of charge but electronic copies are encouraged.
We take great pride in ensuring that our policies adhere to the DfE and West Sussex Local Authority guidelines, and reflect the general ethos of the school. Our policies are reviewed regularly by our staff and governing body. You will find the latest policies below.

The Trafalgar Safeguarding policy is based on central government and West Sussex guidance and is therefore very comprehensive and potentially upsetting in places. If you have a safeguarding concern or a query about our policy and processes, please don't hesitate to get in touch with the Designated Safeguarding Leads at Trafalgar, and they will be able to help navigate the policy and address your concern. 

Other policies which are available on request are;
  • Acceptable Use
  • Art and Design
  • Bereavement
  • Collective Worship
  • Computing
  • Confidential Reporting
  • Design and Technology
  • Disability Equality Scheme
  • Drug and Related Incidences
  • Emergency Procedures
  • English
  • Equal Opportunities and Racial Equality
  • Early Years Foundation Stage
  • First Aid and Intimate Care
  • Geography
  • Governors Visits to School
  • History 
  • Library
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Photographic and Video Images
  • Physical Education
  • PSHE
  • Relationship Education
  • Religious Education
  • Science
  • Special Educational Needs Statement 
  • Staff Induction