
Meet our Governors

Miss Fiona Hickie


I joined the governing body in September 2023 when I became the full time Headteacher.
I have lived in Horsham for the last 20 years and enjoy being part of the local community. I have two children, both my sons are now at local secondary school. I have worked at Trafalgar since January 2022 and feel proud that our community school is welcoming and inclusive.

Mrs Sarah Brockhurst

Co-Opted Governor, Chair of Governors. Linked to Training and Attendance. Curriculum link to Maths.

I joined the governing body as a parent governor in March 2018, when my son was in Reception. I have two children – my son is now at junior school, having had a very enjoyable 3 years at Trafalgar and my daughter has started in Reception in September 2022. Having lived in Horsham and the surrounding area for the majority of my life, we moved into the local neighbourhood 8 years ago with the intention of raising our family here. We were attracted by the warm community spirit and I am keen to be an active member within it and be able to give something positive back. I believe these initial years of education are vitally important in providing our children with a good foundation for their future lives. I am keen to help support the school with the pressures and challenges it faces to ensure our children get the best start they can. As an employment solicitor and having worked in the local business community for over a decade, I believe I have the skills needed to help guide the school in the ‘voyage of discovery’.

Ms Holly Prescott

Co-opted Governor, Vice-Chair of Governors and Co-Chair of Pupil Progress and Curriculum Committee. Link Governor for SEND and Curriculum. Curriculum link to PE and EYFS

I live in the local area with my husband James and our two children Harry and Poppy, of whom Harry attends Trafalgar.
I joined the governing body in July 2020. I work in education as a Strategic Manager of a School Sport Partnership, where we support schools with PE and Sport. Although the schools I work in are not in the Horsham area, I wanted to use my knowledge and experience to support a school in my community and make a difference to local children. I love living in Horsham and feel lucky to live in a supportive and vibrant local community.

Mrs Sam Picknell

Co-Opted Governor. Chair of Assets and Resources Committee. Link Governor for Finance. Curriculum link to Science and Design Technology.

I was delighted to join Trafalgar Infant as a co-opted Governor in September 2022. I have two grown up sons whose school time in their primary school years was fundamental to them becoming well rounded young adults. I recognise the huge role a well run infant school plays in the development and learning of our children that lasts well beyond the time they leave.

I work in a large accounting business as a Commercial Operations Director and I’m looking forward to putting some of my experiences to good use in the local community. I'm passionate about positive education experiences for our children (and staff!) and I have already found the Trafalgar team welcoming and open to continued ideas and discussions on how we achieve the best outcomes for all.

Miss Leigh Waring

Co-Opted Governor. Co-Chair of Pupil Progress and Curriculum Committee. Link Governor for Website and Data. Curriculum Link to English and Music..

Having had the pleasure of being appointed as a Governor in May 2023 I am excited to join such a vibrant and diverse community. My son is currently a pre-schooler and we live within a 5-minute walk of Trafalgar so it is the school he will likely transition to following his time at nursery.

I work outside of the education industry, with my career largely centred around banking – most recently supporting digital access to banking. I am hopeful that through my corporate experience, I bring new and complementary skills and knowledge to Trafalgar and that I am fortunate enough to have a positive impact for the benefit of the children, their families, teachers and staff.

Mr Tom Hallett

Staff Governor. Link Governor for Health and Safety.

I have been working at Trafalgar for 6 years and have really enjoyed my time here so far. I am passionate about teaching and my aim is to get children to love school and get them coming into school with a smile on their face, excited for the day. I want children to feel part of a big team, building confidence and social skills at the same time. Previous to teaching I was a tennis coach and I am a very sporty individual, I play both tennis and football for local teams and participate in many other sports. I am the PE lead here at Trafalgar and think sport is crucial for children in infant school. As staff governor I want to be able to voice all ideas my colleagues have to build on the brilliant school we have, I am a confident speaker and think I am well suited for this role.

Mrs Sue Ware

Co-opted Governor

Mr Richard King

Parent Governor. Link Governor to Safeguarding, Wellbeing and Learning Outside the Classroom. Curriculum Link Governor to Art, Geography and RSE/PSHE.

I joined the governing body in November 2023 - shortly after my son, who is my oldest child, had started in Reception at Trafalgar. I also have a pre-school-aged daughter whom I hope will join the school when she's old enough. My wife and I have lived locally to the school since 2017, and I'm really keen to help Trafalgar continue to thrive as both a place of learning and as a hub for the local community.

I work in public affairs in the energy sector, and hope to bring transferrable skills and ideas from my corporate role into my role as a Parent Governor. I feel very privileged to have been given the opportunity to join the governing body, and want to support the staff, parents and children in feeling valued, happy and fulfilled during their time at the school.